Tara Troussier's Paris Half Marathon fundraising page

by Tara Troussier for Oxfam France

I really think that Oxfam France are doing a great job and I have decided to raise funds to help them perform their work.
I would greatly appreciate if you could help me in my fundraising efforts by making a donation to Oxfam France or bringing awareness around my fundraising efforts. There are no small donations.
Donations are processed through Alvarum.
It is very easy and 100% secure.
Thank you for your help!
Tara Troussier
So far, I've raised


With help of 20 people.
On my target of  400
Your donation goes to Oxfam France.
Payments are 100% secure.
20 Donations
Make the first
  • Well done Tara! And good luck in the Marathon.
    Offline donation
    Richard Acland - 3/3/14
  • Offline donation
    ben - 3/2/14
  • Good Luck!x
    Offline donation
    Jo - 2/25/14
  • good luck
    Offline donation
    jed - 2/19/14
  • Offline donation
    Charlotte - 2/1/14
  • Belle initiative! Courage pour l'entrainement et la course!
    Offline donation
    Julien - 1/30/14
  • Have a safe run ;-)
    Offline donation
    Martin - 1/18/14
  • go go go petite tara !!
    Offline donation
    katia - 1/15/14
  • comment yé souis fière de toi tara troussier, vas-y, j'ai la larme à l'oeil. en plus 21 c'est que la moitié de 42 !!!
    Offline donation
    the tapas girl - 1/13/14
  • Half marathon!! Wow! We are very proud of you! (But run is for cowards...) :-P
    Offline donation
    Estrella & Andy - 1/12/14
  • the clock is ticking to the big 1 ;)
    Offline donation
    phil (chiropractor) - 1/10/14
  • Baby run run run baby run run
    Offline donation
    Fanette - 1/9/14
  • Run as you fly whith you paraglider, with success !
    Offline donation
    Claire M - 1/9/14
  • Run Bitch! Like I am chasing you!
    Offline donation
    Dude - 1/9/14
  • Offline donation
    La Sale - 1/8/14
  • See more
  • Total  575
I participate to the campaign
Semi-Marathon de Paris 2014
Oxfam France

Oxfam France est une association de solidarité internationale qui agit sur les causes de la pauvreté et des injustices en menant notamment des campagnes de mobilisation citoyenne et de pression sur les décideurs politiques. Elle est l'affilié français d'Oxfam, un réseau international de 17 ONG qui, ensemble, luttent contre les injustices et la pauvreté en partenariat avec des organisations dans plus de 90 pays. Pour en savoir plus : http://www.oxfamfrance.org