Whippy's fundraising page

by Sophie Whippy for Oxfam France

I've decided to raise funds to help Oxfam do what they do.
I'll be getting off my arse and attempting to run a half marathon in Paris, March 2014, get your hands in your pockets and donate... I can only participate if I raise 400 euros.
Donations are processed through Alvarum.
It is very easy and 100% secure.
Thank you for your help!
Sophie Whippy
So far, I've raised


With help of 26 people.
On my target of  400
Your donation goes to Oxfam France.
Payments are 100% secure.
26 Donations
Make the first
  • Best of luck Soph. Have a super time xx
    Offline donation
    Cara G - 2/28/14
  • Offline donation
    Anonymous - 2/25/14
  • You're mental! Peace X
    Offline donation
    Brother Whippy - 2/21/14
  • Easy peasy for you Soph! I feel partially responsible for this undertaking:-) Enjoy it! Allez! Allez! xx
    Offline donation
    Colleen & Bo - 2/4/14
  • Bon chance Sophie! x
    Offline donation
    Satmohan - 2/4/14
  • xx
    Offline donation
    lizzy - 2/3/14
  • Just run like Ryan Gosling is covered in chocolate at the top of the Eiffel tower!!!( Sorry Carl)
    Offline donation
    Susie - 2/3/14
  • roughly translated = yer Pa. have fun, it's amazing what you can achieve in flat footwear! X
    Offline donation
    Pon Pere - 2/3/14
  • We'll be here to offer some stretching for your recovery! Good luck..enjoy! and be sure to reward yourself with many Paris pastry delights.
    Offline donation
    Emily - 2/3/14
  • Best of luck!
    Offline donation
    Terry x - 2/3/14
  • go lady!!!
    Offline donation
    sancier - 2/3/14
  • Go Whippy Go!
    Offline donation
    Aimee - 2/3/14
    Offline donation
    Gaffers - 1/31/14
  • the perfect city to carbo load in! best of luck x
    Offline donation
    megan oliver - 1/26/14
  • Go girl! Wish I could do it with you! You are going to smash it!;) xx
    Offline donation
    CalliCat - 1/25/14
  • See more
  • Total  480
I participate to the campaign
Semi-Marathon de Paris 2014
Oxfam France

Oxfam France est une association de solidarité internationale qui agit sur les causes de la pauvreté et des injustices en menant notamment des campagnes de mobilisation citoyenne et de pression sur les décideurs politiques. Elle est l'affilié français d'Oxfam, un réseau international de 17 ONG qui, ensemble, luttent contre les injustices et la pauvreté en partenariat avec des organisations dans plus de 90 pays. Pour en savoir plus : http://www.oxfamfrance.org