Seoyeon Joo's fundraising page

by Seoyeon Joo for Imagine for Margo

On March 2015, a student from ISP (International School of Paris) unfortunately passed away after a 2 year battle against leukaemia. The student's name was Alannah. This was a tragic event for her family and the whole school community. 

In remembrance of her loss and to prevent such tragedys occuring, "Alhannah's Awesome Run" has been created.We would be delighted if you could participate in this meaningful event by raising awareness and donating money. Raising money would significantly aid the fundings of many cancer research centers in a determined effort to ensure that such tragedys like Alannah's could be prevented or reduced. 

Sue (Seo-yeon) Joo
So far, I've raised


With help of 6 people.
Your donation goes to Imagine for Margo.
Payments are 100% secure.
6 Donations
Make the first
  • Offline donation
    Silvia Semana - 9/27/18
  • Offline donation
    Moonsook choi - 9/24/18
  • Good luck!
    Offline donation
    Choi taeok, Kim youngweol, Choi soonchul - 9/24/18
  • Offline donation
    Eunyoung choi - 9/24/18
  • Offline donation
    Anonymous - 9/23/18
  • Offline donation
    Anonymous - 9/23/18
  • See more
  • Total  120
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Alannah's Awesome Run
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Enfants sans cancer 2018
Imagine for Margo

L'association Imagine for Margo - reconnue d'utilité publique - mobilise les acteurs clés de la santé et collecte des dons afin d'accélérer la recherche européenne contre le cancer des enfants. L'association mène également des actions pour sensibiliser à la cause, améliorer le bien-être des enfants malades et soutenir leurs familles. Depuis sa création en 2011, Imagine for Margo est devenue un acteur majeur de l’oncologie pédiatrique à l’échelle nationale et un acteur influent en Europe.