Mehdi Barone's fundraising page

by Mehdi Barone for L'ENVOL "pour que les enfants malades restent des enfants"

I am delighted to be able to support L'ENVOL "pour que les enfants malades restent des enfants" again this year.
This time I will bring my familly along to the party! 
Jeanne is very concerned by the initiative as one of her litlle friend has been hospitalized during the year for a serious disease that has prevented her from attending the class. She is able to live communicate through the use of a litlle robot (ted-i) that is in the class and allow her to interact with her teacher and friends:
Margaux is complaining a bit as she will run again a few days later for a charity supporting Hearts Operations for Children.

We need to raise 400 euros to be able to participate. 
There are no small donations.
Donations are processed through Alvarum.
It is very easy and 100% secure.
Thank you for your help!
Mehdi Barone
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  400
Your donation goes to L'ENVOL "pour que les enfants malades restent des enfants".
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
We're raising funds together.
Morgan Stanley
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Course des Héros Paris 2024
I participate to the campaign
Course des Héros Paris 2024
L'ENVOL "pour que les enfants malades restent des enfants"

Association reconnue d’utilité publique, L’ENVOL organise des programmes adaptés aux jeunes malades de 6 à 25 ans et à leur famille. Depuis 1997, elle leur permet de trouver force et confiance en eux pour vivre mieux pendant ou après la maladie et de rompre l’isolement. L’ENVOL accompagne gratuitement plus de 8000 bénéficiaires par an au travers de ses séjours adaptés, ateliers à l’hôpital, sorties récréatives et kits d’activités.