Maria Trygger's fundraising page

by Maria Trygger for Oxfam France

Dear All,

I am running again but a bit shorter distance this time :). I've decided to support Oxfam France's work by running the Paris half marathon on 2nd March 2014. My target amount is 400 Euros so any donation, large or small, would be welcome. I have to raise this amount by mid-February!!

For those who know me, yes it is a shorter distance, but I haven't run since October and I'm feeling a little daunted. Raising these funds should spur me on as it is for such a good cause. Please spread the word too, thanks. 
Donations are processed through Alvarum.
It is very easy and 100% secure.
Thank you for your help!

Maria Trygger
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  400
Your donation goes to Oxfam France.
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
  • See more
  • Total  465
I participate to the campaign
Semi-Marathon de Paris 2014
Oxfam France

Oxfam France est une association de solidarité internationale qui agit sur les causes de la pauvreté et des injustices en menant notamment des campagnes de mobilisation citoyenne et de pression sur les décideurs politiques. Elle est l'affilié français d'Oxfam, un réseau international de 17 ONG qui, ensemble, luttent contre les injustices et la pauvreté en partenariat avec des organisations dans plus de 90 pays. Pour en savoir plus :