Dana Maruska's fundraising page

by Dana Maruska for Oxfam France


I know what ya'll are thinking, but anyone that knows me knows I like a good challenge and god only knows even this one is crazy for me!! BUT I am determined to not only complete this, but to also raise funds for a charity that I truly believe in! I really think that Oxfam are doing a great job and I have decided to raise funds to help them perform their work.

I would greatly appreciate if you could help me in my fundraising efforts by making a donation to Oxfam or bringing awareness around my fundraising efforts... There are no small donations... It is very easy and 100% secure!

Thank you for your help and wish me luck on my adventure.

P.s. This photo is me after my 2 day cycle ride, to show even the craziest things are possible!

So far, I've raised


With help of 20 people.
On my target of  400
Your donation goes to Oxfam France.
Payments are 100% secure.
20 Donations
Make the first
  • Offline donation
    Anonymous - 2/28/14
  • Best of luck!
    Offline donation
    Niall - 2/28/14
  • bon voyage miss!
    Offline donation
    Anonymous - 2/28/14
  • Good luck Dana! I am sure all the training will pay off :)
    Offline donation
    Mark R - 2/27/14
  • Good luck!!
    Offline donation
    Ellen - 2/26/14
  • Offline donation
    Simi hini - 2/23/14
  • See you in MAY XXX
    Offline donation
    Frances Nick Kate Amy Nicky - 2/20/14
  • Run Hard kiwi girl
    Offline donation
    Anonymous - 2/19/14
  • Good for you Dana - rather you than me :)
    Offline donation
    Deb - 2/19/14
  • Good Luck
    Offline donation
    Husbands - 2/19/14
  • Great cause sweetie & ALWAYS know your glass is "half" full so a "half" M will be no worries at all . All the best sweetie, know u can DOIT xxxx
    Offline donation
    Poppa Bear - 2/18/14
  • Run like the wind...or at least beat Josephine!
    Offline donation
    Jumana - 2/18/14
  • Best of luck
    Offline donation
    Gillian - 2/18/14
  • I am envious but only of your carbohydrate loading phase before your event! ;-)
    Offline donation
    AlexM - 2/15/14
  • Good luck!
    Offline donation
    Laura D - 2/11/14
  • See more
  • Total  641
1 News
This is me riding a bike... We did this for 2 days (I also fell in the canal), but dont let that deter you!
Dana Maruska - 2/7/14
I participate to the campaign
Semi-Marathon de Paris 2014
Oxfam France

Oxfam France est une association de solidarité internationale qui agit sur les causes de la pauvreté et des injustices en menant notamment des campagnes de mobilisation citoyenne et de pression sur les décideurs politiques. Elle est l'affilié français d'Oxfam, un réseau international de 17 ONG qui, ensemble, luttent contre les injustices et la pauvreté en partenariat avec des organisations dans plus de 90 pays. Pour en savoir plus : http://www.oxfamfrance.org