Charlotte Moerman's fundraising page

by Charlotte Moerman for Pour un Sourire d'Enfant (PSE)

You might already know how much I love running and being outdoors. But during this month I am not only doing it for myself.

I decided to help my brother  Seppe Moerman raise funds for the French NGO Pour un Sourire d'Enfant (PSE). He went to Cambodia during the summers of 2016 and 2019 to organize summer camps for the most at risk Cambodian children. The goal is to educate them from a very young age until they have a training giving them opportunities to escape misery and become active members of society as grown ups.

The children cared for by PSE are ragpickers who spend their days collecting plastic from landfills, children abused by gangs or their parents, children with disabilities rejected by their parents, orphaned children, all of whom are still victims today of the genocide committed by the Red Khmers.

This year PSE was particularly affected by the crisis of the Covid-19, the centres had to close, and the tour of the co-founder Marie-France des Pallières had to be cancelled. This tour was essential to raise the funds that keep the centre running in Cambodia throughout the year.

That's why I take part in the Heroes Race they organized. The aim is to:
- run/hike/ride 12 000km by June 28th, collectively covering the distance between Paris and Phnom Penh
- individually run the largest distance possible in 30min on June 28th.
- collect funds so that this organization can continue to support these children

For the last part especially, I need YOUR help. Every small donation is a huge support for the excellent work this NGO is doing!

Donations are processed through Alvarum.
It is very easy and 100% secure.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Charlotte Moerman
So far, I've raised


With help of 9 people.
Your donation goes to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant (PSE).
Payments are 100% secure.
9 Donations
Make the first
  • pour tout les petits grenouilles
    Offline donation
    Grenouille - 6/19/20
  • Offline donation
    Anonymous - 6/19/20
  • Offline donation
    Myriam - 6/19/20
  • Succes!
    Offline donation
    Birgit - 6/19/20
  • Offline donation
    Doudou - 5/27/20
  • Offline donation
    Anonymous - 5/26/20
  • Veel plezier tijdens het lopen maar dat zal wel niet moeilijk zijn voor jou!! ? Xxx
    Offline donation
    Jeanne Annendyck - 5/26/20
  • Succes!
    Offline donation
    Nonkel Erik - 5/25/20
  • Bravo le clan moerman!!
    Offline donation
    Moerman Ellen - 5/25/20
  • See more
  • Total  240
We're raising funds together.
Phnom Penh Express
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I participate to the event
Course des Héros connectée - Été 2020
I participate to the campaign
Course des Héros connectée - Été 2020
Pour un Sourire d'Enfant (PSE)

Pour un Sourire d'Enfant (PSE) agit depuis 25 ans au Cambodge auprès d'enfants extrêmement pauvres, contraints de travailler dans des conditions pénibles et dangereuses. PSE prend actuellement en charge plus de 6 500 enfants : nourris, soignés, protégés, scolarisés, puis formés à un métier. A ce jour, plus de 6 000 autres jeunes sont sortis des programmes et ont un emploi qualifié. L'association - reconnue de bienfaisance - a reçu en 2000 le Prix des Droits de l'Homme.