600 kms ride

Helen & Robert are cycling 600kms following the river Saone from Chalon to Lyon then the Rhone south to the Mediterranean coast at Sete. Starting on 4th September and returning 22nd September. As they want to make this as green a journey as possible, they are not taking the car so will be travelling an extra 100 kms using their bike and the train to get to their starting position. They are doing a daily blog of their travels

Helen and Rob are collecting donations for the following charities.

Cancer Support France Nord and Parish Nursing UK

Below is the link to our Blog:


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Cancer Support France

Cancer Support France is a network of independent associations throughout France that provides support for English-speaking people of any nationality who have been touched by cancer. Each association organises itself according to the needs of its own area and all associations are set up according to the French law of 1901.