Bren Lalonde's fundraising page

by Bren Lalonde for Oxfam France

Hi all!

To make the most of my time here in London, UK, I've decided to do something I've never done before... run a half-marathon! I have begun my training and will be completing the Semi Marathon de Paris (21.1 km) on March 2nd, 2014 -

I've signed up to run as part of the Oxfam team, as I really think that Oxfam France are doing important work - for more info about Oxfam and what they do for communities in crisis around the world click here:

I would greatly appreciate if you could help me in my fundraising efforts by making a donation to Oxfam France or bringing awareness around my fundraising efforts. My target is to raise €400 (about $595 CDN) by February 10th.There are no donations too small, every little bit helps! Any thing you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Donations are processed through Alvarum. It is very easy and 100% secure.

Thank you so much for your help!
xx Bren
So far, I've raised


With help of 17 people.
On my target of  400
Your donation goes to Oxfam France.
Payments are 100% secure.
17 Donations
Make the first
  • giver poop! see you in a few months.. Uncle J and Auntie T
    Offline donation
    Brenna - 2/13/14
  • You go beanhead - look at you on that green bike! Have fun in Paris mon amie. Wish I could be there to cheer you on xxQ
    Offline donation
    Nicki - 2/10/14
  • Amazing!!! Have a great time in Paris, and run like the wind! Sending all of our love, Jane + Greg xoxo
    Offline donation
    Gregory & Jane Lalonde - 2/10/14
  • That's our girl!
    Offline donation
    Biggest fans! - 2/10/14
  • Good luck Brenna x
    Offline donation
    Aman - 1/28/14
  • Well done Brenna! Good luck, enjoy it!
    Offline donation
    Kelly Leedham - 1/27/14
  • Good luck Brenna
    Offline donation
    Carol - 1/24/14
  • Champresso's to celebrate afterwards!
    Offline donation
    Nay - 1/24/14
    Offline donation
    Andrea - 1/23/14
  • Bonne chance mon ami!
    Offline donation
    Jorge - 1/23/14
  • With 1 additional euro for every mile more than me you run before fundraising deadline!
    Offline donation
    DOM - 1/22/14
  • Offline donation
    Anonymous - 1/21/14
  • Go Brenna!
    Offline donation
    Antonin aka AJ - 1/21/14
  • for realz. You CAN DOOOO EEEET!
    Offline donation
    Carly Thorne - 1/21/14
  • !
    Offline donation
    carly - 1/20/14
  • See more
  • Total  520
1 News
My longest run yet was a 15 km on Saturday. Following advice from a running buddy, I took the Regent's Canal footpath along the water down to Victoria Park where I ran laps around the shorter 2 km loop there. I've since discovered that Victoria Park is much larger than I thought, so this Saturday I'll be using the 5 km loop (seems more efficient, and nice to have different scenary the whole time ;) ).
Bren Lalonde - 1/20/14
I participate to the campaign
Semi-Marathon de Paris 2014
Oxfam France

Oxfam France est une association de solidarité internationale qui agit sur les causes de la pauvreté et des injustices en menant notamment des campagnes de mobilisation citoyenne et de pression sur les décideurs politiques. Elle est l'affilié français d'Oxfam, un réseau international de 17 ONG qui, ensemble, luttent contre les injustices et la pauvreté en partenariat avec des organisations dans plus de 90 pays. Pour en savoir plus :