La collecte de Cancer Support France

by Ian Salvage for Cancer Support France

Cancer Support France is offering an online quiz on 4th February to raise funds for our training budget. Training of our Active Listeners is a vital part of our work and this continues to use a large part of our funds year-on-year. 4th February is also World Cancer Day and we are keen to demonstrate our support for this important annual milestone.

Further details about the quiz can be found on our Facebook page at or on our website at . To register for the quiz, please email .
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  500
Your donation goes to Cancer Support France.
Payments are 100% secure.
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  • Offline donation
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  • Total  135
Cancer Support France

Cancer Support France is a network of independent associations throughout France that provides support for English-speaking people of any nationality who have been touched by cancer. Each association organises itself according to the needs of its own area and all associations are set up according to the French law of 1901.