Alisha Olsen's fundraising page

by Alisha Olsen for La Ligue contre le cancer

To my Friends & Family,

 I've chosen to raise money for La Ligue contre le cancer by running the Berlin marathon on 25th September 2016. 

Cancer has played a terrible part in too many lives around me, for both family and friends, and I'm passionate about raising money for cancer research, prevention, education and care.

La Ligue contre le cancer was created in 1918 and money raised goes to
- non-governmental funding of cancer research
- informing, educating and prevention initiatives
- improving quality of life of cancer patients and their families
- changing attitudes to cancer
- engage internationally to fight against cancer               

No donation is too small to support this important fight against cancer and I am very appreciative for anything you can give.

Looking forward to running those 42.2km around Berlin with your support!    

So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  800
Your donation goes to La Ligue contre le cancer.
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
  • See more
  • Total  1,349
I participate to the campaign
Berlin Marathon 2016
La Ligue contre le cancer

Depuis 1918 la Ligue et ses 103 Comités départementaux luttent sur tous les fronts de la maladie grâce à l'engagement de ses 640 000 adhérents et de ses 13 800 bénévoles. Grâce à VOUS, nous pouvons financer des centaines de projets de recherche chaque année, aider des milliers de personnes malades et leurs proches, déployer de nombreuses campagnes de sensibilisation et prévention et faire valoir les droits des personnes malades et des usagers du système de santé. ENSEMBLE, continuons ce combat !